
Our market renowned experts advise on both ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ shipping cases.

Our expertise extends to the following areas:

  • Full range of dry shipping including charterparty, bill of lading and contract of affreightment issues
  • Marine casualty response for all manner of casualties, including collisions, groundings, salvage, maritime related deaths/personal injuries, and seafarer related criminal prosecutions
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
  • Mortgage enforcements/workouts
  • Ports and terminals damage claims
  • Sanctions advice
  • Ship arrest
  • Ship finance
  • Ship-management disputes

On ‘dry’ matters, our experience includes shipping contracts review, cargo claims and disputes relating to charterparties, shipbuilding, conversion and repair, ship sale and purchase, offshore and LNG contracts. 

On ‘wet’ matters, we are well-placed to handle all marine casualties, and have significant experience in advising on collisions, groundings, fires, sinkings, salvage, wreck removal, oil pollution, general average, port state investigations and prosecutions, ship arrest as well as limitation/jurisdiction battles.

Our clients include ship owners, charterers, ports, shipyards, protection and indemnity associations, defence clubs, war risks clubs, hull and cargo underwriters, brokers, salvors, ship managers, suppliers, trade associations, transport intermediaries, banks, energy and trading companies, funds and other institutions involved in the marine transport and insurance industries.

Bernard Yee

Managing Director
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